Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Not sure about whether you should send your girl to an Islamic secondary school?

Maybe you have a school nearby. Or, maybe you’re a little skeptical about sending your kid to an Islamic school? You want her to get modern education so she can grow up to like everybody else with an aim to make it big in her life. That’s good. But this is exactly what the best of Islamic schools and colleges are doing.

She’ll learn a lot and grow up to be a human-being that you’ll be proud of

Learning is fun at these schools. But at the same time they’re quite disciplined.
A good Islamic secondary school will nurture your girl and give her an environment wherein she can learn and grow.
She’ll be exposed to the great teachings of Islam so she can understand her religion, her values better. She’ll also learn Urdu and Arabic.

She’ll grow up to be an independent person

Any reputed Islamic secondary school also offers boarding facilities. Your child will be there till she finishes her education. Of course, you’ll be able to see her and talk to her regularly and vice-versa. But she’ll largely be on her own. And that’ll make her more responsible and independent.

Be it an Islamic school or an Islamic college, your girl will be safe and turn up more intelligent and responsible and independent. If you’re still not sure about sending your kid to an Islamic school or college, then you can at least talk to a few schools and give them a try.

For more on Islamic secondary school, colleges, and the education these schools impart, read our published blog posts here. And stay tuned for the forthcoming ones.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Your life turns beautiful when you pray and help the society

It’s been close to five years. I was working with an MNC. I was earning well. And I was happy with my life and my family. And then suddenly life seemed to take a different track altogether.

I missed on my promotions because I got on some fights with my immediate seniors – and you know what there literally nothing to fight about was, but things just happened.

Some months later, I injured myself in an accident. And even my mother’s health deteriorated. I just couldn’t understand the sheer change of luck.

That was Friday, I believe. I was all alone in my room. It was night and I was in my bed. My eyes were moist. And I kept praying to Allah to help me overcome all that life was throwing at me and my family. I don’t remember for long I was there in the bed, crying and praying and when exactly I fell into sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt light – it was the first time in all those months that I was feeling that good, that energetic. I again prayed and got ready for the office.

Things began to improve from that day onwards. My relationship with my seniors began to improve. And I even got a bigger than expected raise and promotion in my job. Mom’s health also improved and she now looks ten years younger.

I don’t what happened that night. What I remember is that I prayed hard, prayed from deep inside. Maybe that prayer worked.

Today, I am a happy man. I pray every day. And I help all who ask for it. Some days back, I read about Islamic donation and that it’s possibly the easiest way to please Allah and get His blessings.

I have now pledged to donate monthly Islamic donation to a school where young girls study our religion and learn to grow up to be good human-beings.
Believe me when you help the society in one way or another, it feels good.

Try it yourself. If you’re someone who donates to schools or charities, I’d like to know your experience.