You can make a poor person happy overnight, but you can definitely make their lives better at least momentarily. People who have to wait for several days for something good to happen in their lives to make them happy will appreciate your effort – though they may not show it. Know this – the poor has so much to suffer that a few acts of kindness will not make them suddenly ecstatic but deep inside in their hearts they will feel lighter and happier, so try these simple things out and see how you can make a difference to someone’s life today.
Donate old belongings
Donate old belongings
This is perhaps the commonest type of charity you can do make people happy. Find stuff that you don’t use anymore, stuff that can be used by someone who really needs them and pack them in boxes. Leave them at charitable organizations or in churches or you can even hand it over to the needy yourself. It’s hard to imagine that giving away unused articles can actually make people happy – but it does.
Imparting knowledge
Imparting knowledge
Knowledge doesn’t cost anything at all, but the process of educating students does cost money. Thankfully, there are people who donate their hard earned money to help educators carry on their good work of helping kids from poor family attain education. Girls Education Charity is a good way of spending your money. Donating your money will not only make you feel good about yourself, it will also make students as well as their kids happy.