Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Not sure about whether you should send your girl to an Islamic secondary school?

Maybe you have a school nearby. Or, maybe you’re a little skeptical about sending your kid to an Islamic school? You want her to get modern education so she can grow up to like everybody else with an aim to make it big in her life. That’s good. But this is exactly what the best of Islamic schools and colleges are doing.

She’ll learn a lot and grow up to be a human-being that you’ll be proud of

Learning is fun at these schools. But at the same time they’re quite disciplined.
A good Islamic secondary school will nurture your girl and give her an environment wherein she can learn and grow.
She’ll be exposed to the great teachings of Islam so she can understand her religion, her values better. She’ll also learn Urdu and Arabic.

She’ll grow up to be an independent person

Any reputed Islamic secondary school also offers boarding facilities. Your child will be there till she finishes her education. Of course, you’ll be able to see her and talk to her regularly and vice-versa. But she’ll largely be on her own. And that’ll make her more responsible and independent.

Be it an Islamic school or an Islamic college, your girl will be safe and turn up more intelligent and responsible and independent. If you’re still not sure about sending your kid to an Islamic school or college, then you can at least talk to a few schools and give them a try.

For more on Islamic secondary school, colleges, and the education these schools impart, read our published blog posts here. And stay tuned for the forthcoming ones.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Your life turns beautiful when you pray and help the society

It’s been close to five years. I was working with an MNC. I was earning well. And I was happy with my life and my family. And then suddenly life seemed to take a different track altogether.

I missed on my promotions because I got on some fights with my immediate seniors – and you know what there literally nothing to fight about was, but things just happened.

Some months later, I injured myself in an accident. And even my mother’s health deteriorated. I just couldn’t understand the sheer change of luck.

That was Friday, I believe. I was all alone in my room. It was night and I was in my bed. My eyes were moist. And I kept praying to Allah to help me overcome all that life was throwing at me and my family. I don’t remember for long I was there in the bed, crying and praying and when exactly I fell into sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt light – it was the first time in all those months that I was feeling that good, that energetic. I again prayed and got ready for the office.

Things began to improve from that day onwards. My relationship with my seniors began to improve. And I even got a bigger than expected raise and promotion in my job. Mom’s health also improved and she now looks ten years younger.

I don’t what happened that night. What I remember is that I prayed hard, prayed from deep inside. Maybe that prayer worked.

Today, I am a happy man. I pray every day. And I help all who ask for it. Some days back, I read about Islamic donation and that it’s possibly the easiest way to please Allah and get His blessings.

I have now pledged to donate monthly Islamic donation to a school where young girls study our religion and learn to grow up to be good human-beings.
Believe me when you help the society in one way or another, it feels good.

Try it yourself. If you’re someone who donates to schools or charities, I’d like to know your experience.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Giving the Gift of Education

The world can be a much better place if every one of us had proper education. It goes without saying that most crimes that take place in our society is largely because of the lack of proper education, the same goes for untimely deaths, poverty – in short every social evil will fade away  in the face of proper education. There are many reasons why people with good education lead better lives compared to people who don’t have the knowledge to decide what’s good for them.  

Unfortunately, education isn’t cost-less. There are books, copies, writing instruments involved and all of these come for a certain cost. The money that is necessary to purchase everything won’t come unless we, the educated people come forward with as much financial aid as possible.

What’s in it for you?
You may ask the reasons for giving away your money to this cause. There isn’t any reason that stands out or makes your contribution beneficial to you in anyway. That said, there are tons of things that don’t meet the eyes at the outset. The first of course is the satisfaction of doing something great for the society. Some of us receive gratification of the soul through charity and social donations. Also, when the society becomes educated the chances of unsocial activities will go down drastically which will lead to a safer society and better world around you. All of that has an effect – directly or indirectly on your personal lives. To know more about contributions towards educational causes get in touch with charitable educational societies in your locality. Islamic College and school are good places for you to begin your inquiries.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Magnanimous Donations You Can Make That Does Not Cost You Anything

Islamic donations do not always have to be financial. There are a lot of things in this world that you can gift or donate and feel good about it. People in need do not always need money, sometimes they do need other things as well that perhaps you have in abundance but others don’t. Here are five things that you can give and to your duty towards Islamic donations.

Blood donation
if you are between the age of 17 and 65, you can donate blood in hospitals and blood donation centres. Most people wonder a surgery need blood and finding a proper blood donor can be very time consuming and difficult. Helping them with your blood is a very generous act and sometimes is more precious than money itself. If you are prepared to donate blood, get in touch with local blood donation centres in your city and find out how you can help. Donating blood does not take more than 90 minutes and you can do this up to 10 times a year or even more depending on your health and your willingness to help people.

Register to be organ donor
just as people need blood, they do need audience as well. Kidney failures, heart failures and eyes are some of those organs that have used demand among patients who suffer from organic failures. Registering to donate your organ is another magnanimous act and it does not take anything away from you because your audience will be removed only after your death, when you do not need them anymore. Someone who is in need of an urgent organ transplant will be benefited by your kind act, and this is no less than any other Islamic donations you may know of.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sadaqah Jariyah – probably the easiest way to get closer to Allah

Allah has given us so much – health, wealth, family, friends, and what not. And therefore, we owe to Allah and His creation – especially to those who’re not fortunate enough to have abundance of worldly stuffs like we’re. That’s precisely why ‘Quran’ so much emphasizes on the importance of giving back to society – to the less privileged, to the downtrodden. We’re talking about Sadaqah Jariyah – your gifts, your help to the society.

Sadaqah Jariyah is probably the easiest way to get the blessings of Allah – the creator of the universe, the one who blesses us all. And there’re plenty of ways you can give back to society – you can donate to the poor, 2) you can fund Muslim schools that educate girls and boys, 3) you can help build Mosques,  and 4) you can help people who come to you for help.

You’ve got it all in your life. You’re doing great in your business. And you’ve kids you’re so proud of. May be this is the time to think about getting to know Allah more, His divinity, and getting on ways that take you closer to Him.

For more on Sadaqah Jariyah and ways you can please Him with ease, stay connected with our posts. You can also share your ideas on Sadaqah Jariyah with us, in the comment box below.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Help the Girl Child Rise above Her Past Generations

You may not agree to this but girl child in the developing nations are still looked down upon as a burden to the parents. Whenever a girl child is born, parent immediately worry about the expenditure they will have to bear to marry her off which in most developing nations is a huge burden especially for people in the middle class or on the lower middle class of the society. But what these parents forget is that if the girl child is given an equal opportunity to learn and rise she can shoulder the burden of her marriage herself and even help her brothers and parents financially!

Unfortunately many uneducated parents don't want to send their kids to school either because they are under the impression that kids learn bad things in schools and colleges and especially the girl child is forced to stay at home because some equally uneducated peers in the society say negative things about girls who go to school! The situation is appealing in some areas of underdeveloped and developing nations and the only way to do away with all these prejudices is to educate the girl child.

People are waking up to the fact that when a girl in the house is educated she does more positive things for the family than a boy does. Hence, even poor parents are making big sacrifices to send their daughters to schools and colleges. Unfortunately there are some who understand everything but can't send their children to school for the lack of money. This is where girls education charity comes to play. Money donated by thousands of kind Muslims like you go to help parents who cannot afford the load of sending their children to school or colleges. Contribute in helping a deserving student receive the blessing of education today. Once a girl is educated, she will rise above her past generations an set the right course of development in the future.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

From Home Makers To Role Models – Education in a Muslim Girl’s Life

The concept of a female role model in a Muslim seems very farfetched given all the negativity that has been floating around in international media. But it is true that Muslim women contributed to society as much as their peers around the globe did.

Putting Women Back On the International Scene
Lately however women have been forced within the four walls of their homes. What many believe to be the effect of misinterpretation of the religious teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), women have been sent away from educational institutions because a powerful faction of the Islamic society were of the view that women shouldn’t receive education. Thankfully all of that is all set to change and as Muslim parents recognize the importance of education in the lives of their daughters and also thanks to campaigns run by Muslim Girls School administrators – more people are sending their daughters to Muslim school for girls.

Change of Perspective – What’s Done & What Remains?
The need to portrait women worldwide as socially, politically and financially aware figures is very important for years of negative portrayal to be undone. Agreed, it’s a job that will take more than a smile and several years of perseverance but this is the only way of doing this. With the right effort soon enough successful Muslim women will become more than just bedtime stories and it has to start from a Muslim girl’s school.

Monday, June 15, 2015

You Can Make Someone Happy Today – Here Is How

You can make a poor person happy overnight, but you can definitely make their lives better at least momentarily. People who have to wait for several days for something good to happen in their lives to make them happy will appreciate your effort – though they may not show it. Know this – the poor has so much to suffer that a few acts of kindness will not make them suddenly ecstatic but deep inside in their hearts they will feel lighter and happier, so try these simple things out and see how you can make a difference to someone’s life today.

Donate old belongings

This is perhaps the commonest type of charity you can do make people happy. Find stuff that you don’t use anymore, stuff that can be used by someone who really needs them and pack them in boxes. Leave them at charitable organizations or in churches or you can even hand it over to the needy yourself. It’s hard to imagine that giving away unused articles can actually make people happy – but it does.

Imparting knowledge

Knowledge doesn’t cost anything at all, but the process of educating students does cost money. Thankfully, there are people who donate their hard earned money to help educators carry on their good work of helping kids from poor family attain education. Girls Education Charity is a good way of spending your money. Donating your money will not only make you feel good about yourself, it will also make students as well as their kids happy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reasons Why Education in the UK Is Considered “Internationally Excellent”

Why do you think students make a beeline for education in the UK? It is because this is where students expect to find the best education in the world and there is a reason for that. A survey known as the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey showed that 93% of students in the UK are really happy about their education. The same goes for others too. Even students in Muslim School in the UK are happy about their experience. Would you want to know what makes these schools so good?

Qualifications That Are Respected Worldwide

Qualification one gets after studying in the UK is highly respected all over the world. And why is that? Well, it is because every institution of education in UK invest in the best infrastructure be it computers, teachers, teaching equipment and everything else in between. That reputation alone makes an education in UK desirable because employers know fully well that a student in UK will receive wholesome understanding of subject matters thanks to the application of proper equipment.

The Perfect Launchpad for Higher Education
Armed with a good Islamic Secondary School degree, your kid will have a whole range of educational opportunities before their eyes. Kids who have a good secondary education have a better working knowledge of spoken English. A good working base of English opens an entire world of opportunities for students and that is exactly what you need for your kid.

When you want nothing but the best for your kid, you should definitely consider sending your kid to an Islamic Secondary School in UK.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Here’s how you can find a great Islamic school for your girl in UK

She is your life. And you cannot live a day without seeing her. But, it’s a question about her life, her education. And thus, you’ve to send her away to a school where she can learn about her culture and where she can get comprehensive Islamic School's education. But you’re not sure which school would be best for her future. We’ll tell you.

First things first, you’ve to figure out the best Islamic schools in UK out of all available options. To do this, you can leverage the search capabilities of Google, Bing, forums, and other online help you can avail. The next step is to speak to family, friends, and colleagues. Find out what they say about the schools they send their kids to. Last, but not the least, make a visit to a few selected Islamic schools in UK and figure out which ones make sense to you. See whether the school provides the kind of education you’d want your kid to receive. See whether they have safe and secure accommodation infrastructure for their girl students. 

Last, but certainly not the least, you need to ensure that your beloved kid would be happy there. Ask her and make her visit the school at least once so she can tell whether she likes the place.

Try out the steps listed down in this post and share your experiences with us! For more on the best Islamic schools in UK, read out other posts published on this blog and also stay glued for the future posts.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Removing Barriers Girls Face with Education

Here are some facts that will blow your mind away:

  • If 10% more girls received an education, GDP can increase by an average of 3%.
  • Every year a girl spends in school; her income can increase by 15%.
  • An educated girl can contribute up to 18% to her household income.
  • 39,000 underage girls are forced to marry ‘every day’!  
These are compelling facts indeed but there are countless barriers that a girl must overcome in order for her to be able to makes the numbers a reality. Let us take a closer look at what those barriers are.

Girls are not sent to school or drop out early

Girl’s education is not a priority. More than 60% of all girls all over the world are not in school for one reason or other but no reason is as pressing as the lack of money. Girls Education Charity can help overcome that problem but there are very few donors and even though more money from charitable organizations can help the cause, there is a serious lack of funds. Charitable organizations worldwide are pressing for more money and work is on to raise awareness levels among people to donate more freely to the cause. Join in with your contributions if you have not already.

Child Marriage

Another shocking fact that will surely prop your eyes open is the number of underage girls that are married off every year. 14 million girls (that is 39,000 girls per day) are married off each day. For the lack of better education they have no means to contribute to the family’s income, which means if they received education and had a source of income, girls could contribute to the income and improve living conditions of their families – one more reason to contribute with Girls Education Charity.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Re-Centering the Importance of Islam in Modern Muslims

Historians, anthropologists and educationists have long maintained that the need for education is fundamental to the growth and development of any individual be it a male or female. The importance of that cannot be overemphasized today when young Muslim children are pursuing their dreams of being more successful than their past generation.

Does religion differentiate men and women?

If one studies the Holy Scriptures attentively, they will observe that not even on one instance has anything being said about preventing women from their right to proper education, in fact The Quran and The Sunna does not distinguish between men or women on the issue of being admitted to a Muslim College. Moreover the Holy Prophet says that a tutor be appointed to educate women a day every week. Unfortunately, that has not been the case; blame it on whatever you will, but a majority of Muslim women in the last century were completely ignorant and knew nothing much of modern science or history. Today, things have changed. The world has come to realize that education is the key maker and changer of destiny and irrespective of gender; everyone is entitled to a good education in their life.

The new dawn of Islamic education in the life of modern Muslim women

Modern governments have recognized the need for education and efforts are being to redefine citizenry that is defined by a common culture and a national identity. This began several generations ago under the Ottoman regime where students got the best Islamic education at Islamic College. In stark contrast to how women were educated back in the past few decades when irrespective of their financial condition no girl was allowed to leave the premises of their homes for education. Today, truly  the emphasis is on how to prepare modern men and women in the ways of being a truly modern Muslim.

Monday, January 19, 2015

3 Reasons Why Education Is Important For Girls

No one can imagine what the world has in all these centuries without education. Without education, not even half of what has happened would have been possible. For generations, the knowledge our forefathers gathered have been passed on to us, and it is upon us to ensure that those who come after us are as well as or better educated than us. The Holy Prophet at various times said to his followers, that education is necessary for both males and females. In another instance it is said that if need be, a person should go to China even to get the right education.  There is nothing UN-Islamic about letting the girl child read and learn. Education Girls Education Charity has changed the lives of many young Muslim women all over the globe in ways more than one. Here are some of the immediate effects of Girls Education Charity

Economic Empowerment: Economic empowerment is lacking in women folks in third world countries. Educating girls provide them the knowledge necessary to emerge out of poverty.  In most cases, women are heavily dependent on their spouses for income and when male stops earning, the entire family descends into poverty gradually. Girls Education Charity can help girl child offer sustenance when her husband, father or brother stops earning. You donation to female child education provides new uniforms and books to a girl child. Eventually as the girl becomes educated and capable of earning, she can take the burden of supporting her siblings’ education