Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Girl’s education must be the primary focus of parents!

Since years parents have been neglecting their girl child’s needs and their education. They’ve been focusing on the boys and to give them a proper education so that they can grow higher in their life.

Gone are those days when girls were subjugated in their houses and were not allowed to go to school or to take up a job. They’ve to be at par with others and surely they’ve the drive and the motivation to achieve good things in life.

An Islamic girl’s school will give them all the required education and even religious education so that they’re knowledgeable both in terms of basic education and in terms of religious education.

Jamea is an educational group which focuses on the education of girls and boys and to give them religious education, so that they have complete knowledge about their religion.

Religion must be the main focus at all levels and if the focus gets diverted then it can be harmful for the people too. You must ensure from your end that proper education in all grounds is given and religion must not be ignored at any grounds.

Jamea is a religious education place where you will complete education for both girls and boys.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Get Islamic education in an Islamic college and become knowledgeable

The number of Muslims is increasing by the day and as Muslims are increasing, they also have a need to be educated on religious grounds. When religion comes in the midst of our everyday lives and it tends to get ignored, then the need arises to take religious education seriously.

Until and unless religion is not taken seriously, how can someone take its education on serious grounds?

Parents too are busy in providing a stable future to their children, so they too cannot give as much time as they want to for their children. One solution for this underlying problem is to give admission to the children in an Islamic college.

An Islamic college is not only a good option for higher level of education, but it is also a good means for religious education and taking the education of religion on higher grounds.

Start the children’s education from an Islamic school where they’ll get all the basic education and it will be a good means for them to take the education on a new and different level.

Take the school and college education on a serious level and you’ll only get results that are satisfactory and promising. Religion is not something which people must ignore rather it is something which has to be preserved.